Monday, May 12, 2014

Download Files from the Web Directly to your Online Drives

With Save, you can easily upload any file from the Internet directly to your Dropbox, Google Drive or SkyDrive without downloading it the computer.

I have put together a little web app that will let you save files from the web directly to any of your cloud drives be it Dropbox, Google Drive or Windows SkyDrive. There’s no sign-up required, you don’t have to install any extensions and the app works on mobile devices as well.

Save Web Files

Copy Internet files to your account, via the cloud

To get started, put the URL of any web file in the input box, pick a storage service and copy of that file should appear in your cloud drive in no time. You may even put web page URLs in the input box and in that case, the HTML page will get saved to your online drive.

There are a couple of benefits. One, if you are on a mobile phone or a tablet, you can quickly save any file from the Internet to your online drives without using a single byte of 3G data connection as the file transfer will happen via the cloud.

The app can work as a proxy as well allowing you to download files from websites that may otherwise be blocked /inaccessible in your country /workplace. All you need to know is the URL of the file.

Chromebook users may find this even more useful as the SkyDrive or Dropbox clients cannot be installed on these machines.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Google Drive Remote Upload Service

gDrive1 Goodbye Dropbox, Hello Google Drive 

Google Drive Remote Upload

Thoai Media Transfer copies files from servers remotely without having to download them to your PC in the middle. It copies remote files to your google drive directly. It is free completely.


Easy to use :

  • Starting from putting your url link


  • We are aware of our clients’ concern for their privacy and for the security of their content. We do everything we can to protect your data:

  • We do not store your content on our servers.
    We do not store your credentials – we rely on the access you provide us via the various cloud services.

  • You can revoke the access at any time.


  • Using Thoai Media Transfer saves you from using your own resources, such as bandwidth and local storage.

  • Check now

  • For large files, just go to

Thursday, March 27, 2014

How to map Google Drive on CentOS

I am learning around with grive, a third party Google Drive client.  It’s pretty cool, but the instructions are based on an Ubuntu install.  I had an interesting time setting it up on CentOS 6.3 64bit, so I decided to share what I learned.

First, get connected EPEL and all repositories,

#yum update
#yum install json-c* expat* curl* 
# rpm -i
# git clone git://
# cd grive
# cmake .
# make

If there are errors, just install new Boost version follow:

after that you give build again:
#cd ./grive  # grive repo is already checked out here
#git clean -fdx
#cmake .

[root@mrcool]# cp ./grive/grive /home/mrcool/GoogleDrive/
[root@mrcool]# cd /home/mrcool/GoogleDrive/
[root@mrcool GoogleDrive]# ./grive -a

Please go to this URL and get an authentication code:

Please input the authentication code here: 
Reading local directories
Synchronizing folders
Reading remote server file list
Synchronizing files
sync ./grive doesn't exist in server, uploading


Install Boost 1.55.0 version on CentOS


Issue the following commands in the shell (don't type $; that represents the shell's prompt):
$ cd path/to/boost_1_55_0
$ ./ --help

Select your configuration options and invoke ./ again without the --help option. Unless you have write permission in your system's /usr/local/ directory, you'll probably want to at least use
$ ./ --prefix=path/to/installation/prefix

to install somewhere else. Also, consider using the --show-libraries and --with-libraries=library-name-list options to limit the long wait you'll experience if you build everything. Finally,
$ ./b2 install

will leave Boost binaries in the lib/ subdirectory of your installation prefix. You will also find a copy of the Boost headers in the include/ subdirectory of the installation prefix, so you can henceforth use that directory as an #include path in place of the Boost root directory.


My complete commands:
tar -xvzf boost_1_55_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_55_0/
./ --with-libraries=atomic,date_time,exception,filesystem,iostreams,locale,program_options,regex,signals,system,test,thread,timer,log
./b2 install

Install qmake on CentOS

CentOS 6.4

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
nano qk.repo

# Place this in a file in your /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory with a qt.repo extension

[epel-qt48] name=Software Collection for Qt 4.8 baseurl=$releasever/$basearch/ enabled=1 skip_if_unavailable=1 gpgcheck=0 [epel-qt48-source] name=Software Collection for Qt 4.8 - Source baseurl=$releasever/SRPMS enabled=0 skip_if_unavailable=1 gpgcheck=0

yum install qt48-qt-webkit-devel

ln -s /opt/rh/qt48/root/usr/include/QtCore/qconfig-64.h  /opt/rh/qt48/root/usr/include/QtCore/qconfig-x86_64.h

source /opt/rh/qt48/enable

export PATH=/opt/rh/qt48/root/usr/lib64/qt4/bin/${PATH:+:${PATH}}

Friday, March 21, 2014

Apache Tomcat 7.0 (on Windows) install guide

Apache Tomcat is a widely used open-source implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technologies.

Visit the Apache Tomcat homepage. Then, click the "Download" link for Tomcat 7.0 on the left.

Download the "32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer".

Run the installer.

Remember the HTTP connector port. Also, pick an administrator login and password.

Specify the patch to the Java Runtime (JRE) if it is not already detected.

Take note of the location where your Tomcat server is being installed.

A tray icon will appear for the service monitor!

Right click on the monitor tray icon. Observe if the Tomcat service is already stated.

Click "Configure..." to open the service properties window. Make sure the "Startup type" is set to "Manual". Also, stop the service if necessary.

That's it! You're done.

Java Development Kit (JDK) install guide

This tutorial will step you through getting the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your computer, which you will need to compile Java programs. This is different from the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which is used to run Java programs. The JRE will also be installed as part of this process.

Check if it's installed

First you should check if you already have it installed on the computer you are working on.

Open the Windows "Control Panel" and click "Programs and Features".

Look for both of these items. If they are present, you already have JDK and JRE.

Check processor type

You need to know your processor's architecture in order to continue.

Go back to the "Control Panel" and click "System".

Under the "System type" field, see if you're using a 64-bit or 32-bit processor.

Downloading the installer

* Link to download page *

Make sure to select the correct download based on your processor's architecture.

Running the installer

Take note of the location of the JDK installation. You will need it later.

Take note of the location of the JRE installation. You will need it later.

That's it! You're done.