Thursday, November 14, 2013

How to compile JW Player from source code using Adobe Flash CS

To compile JWPlayer, you need two things:
1. Flash CS4 (or CS5)
2. Flex SDK v4 (hoặc v3)

You can download it at:

3. Download Source Code of JW Player at:

Choose the lastest version, download and unpzip to your folder. For example, I'm using JWPlayer5
Now open Flash CS4, Creat New choose Flash File (ActionScript 3.0)

Click Ctrl + S , name file (ex. player.fla) and save it at C:JWPlayer5SRC (must be SRC)

Go to Properties, at tab Publish, copy and paste below code to Class:


Below Tab Properties, at Stage you can choose color of default background for  JW Player, I choose white color (#000000)

Ctrl + U to show Preferences, Choose ActionScript, click ActionScripts 3.0 Settings

At Flex SDK path, find to directory Flex SDK v4.

Click OK twice.

Hold Ctrl + Shift + F12 (or FilePublish Settings) to show Publish Settings
click Tab Flash, click Settings at Script : ActionScript 3.0


Settings, you choose tab Library path, clear all and  +. Copy and paste below line:

Click+ , choose Library of JWPlayer: C:JWplayer5libs


Click OK to save and return to Public Settings:

Clcik Publish to compile. Go to  C:JWplayer5src and you get jwplayer swf:

That's all.